Current vacancies

We’d like to invite you to come to our practice to complete some of your EMS and we think you’ll be happy if you do.
As an accredited Vetsure Graduate Friendly Practice we are very used to working with the next generation of vets to make sure you have a great transition from the protective environment of your vet school, into what can be a turbulent and challenging environment of a private practice.
The great news is that how you spend your weeks on your EMS rotation will play a large part in how well you move through this phase and begin your career. So, the choices you make over the next few months will make a big difference and set you on the path to success.
Both student and practice, of course, have a big role to play in making that a reality for you. And a far as we are concerned, you represent the future of our profession, so we want to make sure that you are in good hands.
If you would like to apply for a vacancy at the Shrubbery Veterinary Group, please send an email to the address specified in the job advertisement with your CV attached.
Contact us now and make an appointment today